Peaceful London: St. Dunstan-In-The-East, a fairytale garden and moon phases' magic

"Think of a place I would go, I'm daydreamin'; Where the sycamore grow, I'm daydreamin'; and oh if you knew what it meant to me, where the air was so clear..."

{Daydreaming ~ Dark dark dark}

It's a window on a fairytale. A peaceful place, in the middle of the crowded London City, like a secret garden, a parallel world.

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon, last August. We were on a day off after busy weeks of work. I opened the book "Londra Insolita e Segreta" (italian version of the guide "Secret London: An unusual guide" by Rachel Howard and Bill Nash) that a friend of ours gave us before moving to London, and found a page dedicated to St. Dunstan-in-the-East. Few lines, but I felt suddenly intrigued.

All these pictures are taken by me, click on them to see them bigger

A former church, built during Saxon times, partially destroyed by the Great Fire of London in 1666 and then rebuilt and renewed. But during World War War II, in the Blitz of 1941, it was devastated again. What remains now it's some walls, ruined windows and arches. Greenery and ivy and flowers climbing them. A magical and silent corner among the most crowded roads of London.

(Discover more on this place here, here and here)

We thought it was a perfect place for taking some pictures of two new pairs of earrings I made those days, dedicated to the Moon and its phases. Lorenzo, as always, has been able to capture the magical feelings and atmosphere I want to create with my jewelry, even with a simple IPhone (we didn't have with us the professional camera, because when we went out we thought we just wanted to relax).

Crescent moon stud earrings, brass and iolite gemstones

Moon phases earrings, brass and howlite gemstones

Pictures by Lorenzo Berni

click on each photo to see it bigger

We spent an afternoon surrounded by trees and light and silence and old walls, reconnecting with a part of me that sometimes, in the rush of the days, I forget... trying to find again, even in this big city, the awareness to be part of something bigger: Nature, Earth, Universe. Bringing always with me the strength and the balance of the Moon and its phases.
