Light from darkness: "Dark Moon" jewellery capsule collection

New Moon is a time for new projects, secret dreams to dust, and plans for the future!

I talked about her powerful renovating and transformative energies in this post, where I also suggest you some ways to honour her and bring her deep magic in our life.

And today I introduce you the new capsule collection dedicated exactly to New Moon!

Usually, lack of light is scary, because in the darkness we can’t distinguish almost anything, and we fear the risk of some dangers we can’t see. It’s totally understandable, it happens to me as well!

We often associate darkness with some sort of lack: of light, of serenity, of instruction, of love, of happiness… of life.

Still… in the nights “without” moon the stars stand out brighter; in the Summer evenings we enjoy a glass of wine in terraces lightened up only by small fairy lights; during a night flight we can admire the cities from above, beautifully mapped by lights

And above all… its in the darkness of the night that our dreams and the hidden part of us emerge, while we sleep; it’s in the shadowy quietness that ideas come to life; it’s in the womb that the fetus forms; and it’s in the warm, deep earth that the seeds sprout.

Light is there, even if it seems overcome by its opposite, and it nurtures and warms even though we can’t perceive it with our eyesight.

That’s what happens with the New Moon: her lit face turns us her back, but it’s thank to this that she gives us the space and silence needed for listening to our dreams, to our intuition. And in the dim light she gives us the energy and the wisdom to cultivate them and take care of them.

So here it is, the new capsule collection dedicated to this powerful moon phase!

Four pieces - for now just four, but it will grow - two necklaces and two bracelets. Rings of twisted wire that represent the New Moon, an empty and dark space that is a fertile space for growing what we seeded.

The golden light of the brass, running all around that empty space, symbolizes that the light is there even though we can’t see it, nurturing what we planted, and standing out against the darkness.

And many colourful, white, golden tiny beads: colours represent the seeds full of life arising from the dark of the New Moon, and those seeds are our dreams, our intentions we want to see finally sprout.

We need shadow for welcoming the light and giving life to new colours. Light and darkness, yin and yang. We can’t have one without the other. This is true richness.

In these first four pieces of jewellery I chose to favours the bright colours of life that blooms, of Spring that is born again and of the new, slow re-starts of these weeks, after months holding the breath in a messed up everyday life.

In the future though, this capsule collection inside the Moon Paths collection will also celebrate the blackness of the shadow, with magical and intense black gemstones as onyx, spinel, tourmaline. I’ll tell you about them one day. But for now, let’s indulge in honouring the return to colour, to life, to the warm air of Spring and Summer!

You can find these first four jewels in my online shop at these links:

-rose quartz short necklace

-aquamarine pendant necklace

-white pearls bracelet

-blue lapis lazuli bracelet
